Financial Management with Custom Tags in Dog Breeding

Aaron McKeehan

Posted in Tips/Tricks5 min readAugust 9, 2023

Running a dog breeding business entails a plethora of tasks and activities, each crucial in its own right. But among these, financial management stands out due to its direct impact on business sustainability. Fortunately, with the aid of custom tags in our dog breeding management app, managing finances becomes streamlined and intuitive.

A Deeper Look at Financial Tags

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Tag: Expense Tracking
Tag Combination: "Litter#3-Expense" and "Training-Expense"
Scenario & Use: Imagine you have a litter that required special toys, training equipment, or unique nutritional needs. Instead of searching through numerous transactions, simply tag every related expense with "Litter#3-Expense". Similarly, if you're investing in professional training, tag those costs with "Training-Expense". Now, in just one click, you can assess the total expenditure on that specific litter or training regimen.

Tag: Income Tracking
Tag Combination: "Litter#4-Sales" and "TopBreed-Sales"
Scenario & Use: Tracking your sources of income is crucial for understanding which litters or breeds are generating the most revenue. For each puppy sold from "Litter#4", you could use the "Litter#4-Sales" tag. And if you have a breed that's particularly popular—let's say Golden Retrievers—you can use "TopBreed-Sales" to monitor income from those sales.

Tag: Payment Status
Tag Combination: "Pending-Payments" and "Completed-Payments"
Scenario & Use: In the dog breeding business, payments might be staggered or come in parts. To keep a tab on which customers still owe you money, you can tag those transactions as "Pending-Payments". Once they're settled, move them to "Completed-Payments". This ensures you're always aware of your financial standing and can follow up where needed.

Tag: Task Synthesis for Finances
Tag Combination: "Tax-Submission-Task" and "Budget-Planning-Task"
Scenario & Use: Financial tasks like tax submissions or annual budget planning are crucial and recurring. By tagging them with "Tax-Submission-Task" or "Budget-Planning-Task", you ensure they're always on your radar. Plus, with our app's feature to associate tasks with tags, you can effortlessly stay ahead of your financial to-dos.

Tag: Yearly or Quarterly Overviews
Tag Combination: "2023-Q1-Overview" and "Annual-Expenses-Review"
Scenario & Use: To make informed financial decisions, periodic overviews are essential. By tagging transactions with tags like "2023-Q1-Overview", you can instantly pull up all income and expenses for the first quarter of 2023. Similarly, for a broader annual review, "Annual-Expenses-Review" can provide a comprehensive picture.

The Power of Custom Tags

The beauty of custom tags lies in their flexibility. While the above are mere examples, as a user, you're not restricted to these. You can create tags tailored to your dog breeding operation's unique needs, size, and intricacies. Whether you're managing just a few litters and breeds or juggling a larger-scale operation, these tags adapt to you.

Moreover, remember to associate tags with tasks, sales, and other essential operations. For instance, linking "Pending-Payments" with follow-up tasks ensures you're always proactive in securing your dues.

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Wrapping Up

Effective financial management is pivotal for any business, and dog breeding is no exception. With custom tags, you've got a powerful tool to stay organized, proactive, and in control of your finances. The only limit here is your imagination. So, take a moment, think about the financial scenarios unique to your operation, and start crafting your custom tags today!

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